It’s so easy to moan. But as the UK vaccination programme gains momentum, let’s take a moment to celebrate this story of success and real hope. Already, many of our most vulnerable have had or will soon receive their life-saving jabs alongside our doctors, nurses, carers, paramedics and other critical key workers. The rest of us will get ours over the coming months, delivered safely, locally, equitably, and all for free of course. The roll-out isn’t going perfectly but there is an army of saints out there, all doing their very best. Bless you NHS, one and all.
Moreover, UK plc has led the world in developing the game-changing vaccines needed so desperately to bring an end to the crisis. If we have any doubt at all about how proud we Brits should all be, just look to the EU. Their determination from the outset to have “a common single and joint approach” has been a disaster. They were late to the party, placing too few orders – they’ve hardly even got a plan yet. It is likely to be well into 2022 before Europe is vaccinated, with all the social and financial implications that brings.
So, let’s be generous with our praise. Bravo UK. Bravo the NHS. All we the public now need to do to get us all to the finish line is to follow the rules and stay at home.
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