Emerging technologies: Laying the foundations for the future | SASIG
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Thursday 20 March 2025, 9.30am – 4pm (GMT)

In person – City of London

In association with

Emerging technologies continue to shape our world – both for good and, unfortunately, for bad. AI is emerging as the ‘technology’ that will either solve all our problems or lead to our extinction as a species. While AI dominates the emerging tech landscape, there is much more to consider. The growing adoption of sensors as part of the ‘Internet of Things’ presents new challenges, particularly around the convergence of OT and IT, as well as the ongoing risks posed by legacy technologies to businesses. Then there’s quantum technology, advancing rapidly. We are all aware of the threat quantum poses to current encryption methods, but what other risks are associated with adopting quantum technology, and what new threats might it amplify or create?

Historically, we’ve developed and adopted new technologies without fully considering their security implications until later. But adding security as an afterthought is neither cost-effective nor efficient. Looking ahead and considering how we would like technology to evolve is essential, though not without its challenges. So, join us as we explore how we can influence norms in innovation, particularly with quantum technology, without resorting to overly conservative approaches that could stifle transformative advancements like AI. And, as always, let’s not forget the policymakers, who face the difficult task of balancing ethics while maintaining technical parity with those less scrupulous.

Presentations on the day include:

Welcome and introductions
Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG
A senior representative from Zurich Resilience Solutions (info)

Keynote presentation: Emerging technologies – balancing innovation, security, and resilience
Neil Clarke (info), UK Head of Cyber, Zurich Resilience Solutions

Panel session: Quantum – norms of behaviour
Facilitated by Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG
Irfan Hemani (info), Deputy Director, Cyber Security Policy, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)
Sheá Panayi (info), Principal – Cybersecurity Risk, M&S Digital & Technology
John Chapman (info), Cybersecurity PhD Researcher, University of Bristol

Emerging tech trends of 2025 based on Wavestone’s CISO radar
Florian Pouchet (info), Associate Partner, Wavestone

Securing and managing your unstructured data in M365
Michael Deller (info), Office 365 Release Manager Workforce Experience, Zurich Ireland

The human element: Strengthening security in the age of AI and IoT
Richard Fridge (info), Director, Enterprise Sales, EMEA, HUMAN Security

Securing business success: Balancing emerging tech and security
Arunava Banerjee (info), Cyber Risk Consulting Lead, Zurich Resilience Solutions

Actionable insights in combined IT and OT environments
James Phillips (info), OT Cybersecurity Region Lead UK/D-A-CH, Kudelski Security

Panel session: The AI Opportunities Action Plan – can we afford not to implement it?
Facilitated by Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG
Dr Melanie Garson (info), Associate Professor, University College London (UCL)
Rob Demain (info), CEO, e2e-assure
Penny Jones (info), Responsible AI Lead, Zurich Insurance

We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

All SASIG events operate under the Chatham House Rule and there is no charge to attend. Refreshments and lunch will be kindly provided by our hosts.

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