Friday 29 July 2022, 11am-12noon (BST)
Organisations of all sizes across the UK increasingly rely on digital services to provide key solutions for their customers and to support business continuity and efficiency. As such, supply chains have become more interconnected, amplifying cyber risk for suppliers and their customers.
Despite our key position in risk oversight as procurers, we tend to find cyber risk management particularly challenging. Government engagement with industry indicates that contracts tend not to adequately represent an organisation’s security risk posture.
As public perception of existing security standards varies, what practical support can government give businesses at a contractual level? In which areas of contract supervision can we as customers better demand the right level of security in our contracts?
This presentation outlined the government’s current thinking in this space and invited feedback from attendees. Watch now to learn more.
Guest chaired by
Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman & Founder, The SASIG
Presented by
Laura Cole, Senior Policy Advisor, Cyber Resilience – Digital Supply Chains, DCMS
Jon Burgher, Policy Advisor, Cyber Resilience – Digital Supply Chains, DCMS