The Russia-Ukraine war: Where have we got to and what are the implications? | SASIG
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Monday 21 November 2022, 11am-12noon (GMT)

It has been a while since we talked about the Russo-Ukraine War, as some commentators are now calling it, on the SASIG stage. Much has changed since our last webinar in May.

The Russian Army appears in turmoil, Ukraine has liberated swathes of its territory, the Kremlin has resorted to a ‘partial’ mobilisation to support its ‘Special Military Operation’, and Putin rattles his nuclear sabre with ever more menace.

The economic repercussions of this war continue to impact all our lives as we approach winter.

Our panel of experts explored the current situation and who is winning the information war. We discussed what it means for us in the UK, and the possible implications in both the real and virtual world.

Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, this webinar could only be watched live.

Guest chaired by

Matthew Parker (info), Chief Information Security Officer, Mourant

Facilitated by

Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG


Lisa Forte (info), Partner, Red Goat Cyber Security
Professor Paul Cornish (info), Visiting Professor, LSE Ideas, London School of Economics
Rob Black, Lecturer of Information Activities, Cranfield University

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