Compliance Vs Assurance: How both must work together, but often don’t | SASIG
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Monday 26 June 2023, 11am-12noon (BST)

Compliance: Finding out the minimum requirements and deciding how to meet them (or not).
Assurance: Making sure requirements have been met (or not), and risks are managed.

Is compliance the first step to resilience? Or do organisations view it as the only standard they need to meet?

Is compliance sufficient to ensure that organisations understand and manage risk effectively and assess the vulnerabilities that could lead to business disruption?

Organisations are often compliant without being secure. Yet failure to comply with mandatory standards is also a security issue, making compliance vs assurance a paradox.

So can we (and if so, how do we) strike a balance between meeting our compliance obligations with our overall objective to make our organisations resilient?

Watch now for a lively panel discussion on the security paradox of compliance vs assurance.

Guest chaired by

Lesley Charteris (info), Project Manager, HMRC

Facilitated by

Stuart Frost BEM (info), Head of Enterprise Security & Risk Management, Civil Service 


Chris Bell (info), Director, Cyber Security Partners
Mark Aynsley, Head of Supply Chain Security, DWP

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