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CyberWomen Groups: Empowering tomorrow's leaders in cyber-based roles

The cybersecurity field has traditionally been dominated by men, but women are increasingly advancing and breaking down barriers. Join us to learn about an organisation providing a platform for women in cyber and the ways in which they are creating a community that inspires learning, networking, and positive change.

Change management series: Bringing it all together

Watch now to discover how to bring best practices into everything we and our teams do in our busy, noisy organisations, and how to measure success in ways that people care about. We’ll discuss how to ensure our organisations become good at managing change, while removing the frustrations of badly managed change.

Change management series: Across our whole organisation with ways of working

Organisation-wide culture change does not happen automatically. It must be carefully planned, communicated, executed, and reviewed for impact. Watch now as we looked at the pros and cons of several recognised models of organisational change to help you decide which will work best for you in your organisation.

Change management series: Change management for and across teams

Humans are social creatures. We learn from others and care what they think of us. In this session, we explored how to use our nature to counter the blamers and silent saboteurs, and how to create a community of change champions who can engage and connect people with success stories people care about.

Change management series: How change affects us as individuals

From the neuroscience, physiology and psychology of change, we looked at change management in more detail, with practical takeaways for all. Change isn't always met with resistance, so how do we harness the good without triggering the bad? Watch now to learn how to be honest about the challenges and open to the benefits. This is the first of four webinars in our change management series.

Accelerating cybersecurity in healthcare

Watch now to discover the pivotal role of time in cyber threats, as adversaries wield it as a weapon and healthcare security defenders struggle to keep pace and learn how to improve flexibility and responsiveness of healthcare security risk, streamline efficiencies, and increase worker productivity to drive value on investment.

An armchair conversation with SASIG

Watch now for an informal armchair discussion as we looked back on the myriad of discussions we've held online and in person over the last year. We also looked ahead to the promises and challenges that lie ahead for the cybersecurity industry in 2024, and reveal some of our plans for the coming year, too.

The BIG Q: How do busy people get MORE done?

Business books are full of promise and social media is awash with advice. But in reality, it’s hard to make changes and keep the plates spinning. So, how do we ‘get more done’, in our congested, fluid, and fast-moving world? Watch this interactive discussion to uncover practical tips.

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