What does best practice for Mental Health and Resilience look like in an organisation | SASIG
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Monday 13 July, 11am-12noon (BST)

If you were building a brand-new organisation from scratch, what would you put in place to ensure the optimum mental health and resilience provision for your employees? What can we do if we are working within complex organisations, to affect policy and practise positively? Is voluntary advocacy enough? Should mental health only be the remit of our Human Resources department, or is it something that every area of the organisation has responsibility for, as part of its day-to-day operations?

In this session, we will discuss the business case for going beyond having the bare minimum provision, and how best to address this essential consideration for any company. We will also look at the limitations and benefits of externally provided Employee Assistance Programmes.


Facilitated by

Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman & Founder, The SASIG


Chaired by

Liz Murray (info), Global Awareness Communications and Training Specialist, HSBC


Panellists by

Tim Boughton KCN GCM (info), Founder, The Eleos Partnership

Deborah Haworth (info), CISO, Penguin Random House UK

Pippa Seed (info), MHFA National Instructor, Mental Health Training

Tarquin Folliss (info), Vice Chairman, Reliance acsn

Lara Williams (info), Director, Momentunm4


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