Influence: How does it work? How can we use it? How can we resist it? | SASIG
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Wednesday 8 May 2024, 11am-12noon (BST)

Influence makes you think what you think and do as you do. You can use it to change the thoughts and behaviours of others, but others can use it to change yours.

We have been perfecting our influence for millions of years, but in the last two decades, digital technologies have revolutionised how influence works.

We are now connected to old school friends and niche interest groups – but also (unwittingly) to organised criminals, terrorists and hostile states who infiltrate our societies.

What can we do to protect ourselves in this context?


Guest chaired by

Liz Murray (info), Enterprise Customer Success Manager, CybSafe


Presented by

Justin Hempson-Jones (info), Managing Director, Social Machines

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