Wednesday 13 April 2022, 11am-12noon (BST)
However good your cyber defences are, it is still possible for them to be breached. We will discuss what you should do next and how to respond.
There are numerous examples of poor crisis communications and public relations which have compounded the damage the cyber incident has had on the organisation. Through a series of case studies and examples, we will go through good and poor practice and highlight what you can do now to ensure you are prepared to respond on the day of an incident, should it occur.
We also go through some of the actions which can be taken to allow you to respond on the day of an incident. Please watch us for an overview of the crisis comms, PR, and the tools and knowledge to review your organisation’s preparations.
Guest chaired by
Steph Frankish (info), Cyber Choices Co-ordinator, Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU)
Presented by
Charlie Maclean-Bristol (info), CEO, PlanB Consulting