Monday 6 February 2023, 11am-12noon (GMT)
When it comes to cybersecurity, we spend billions on solutions yet do not see measurable improvements. We invent buzzwords that make no sense and divert our attention from real challenges. The narrative fallacies appear to prevail over formal methods. In the digital world, cybersecurity is among the important digital domains where it is necessary to identify such problems.
We discuss 12 fundamental problems facing the cybersecurity industry today, including narrative fallacies, buzzwords, and goal setting.
While many organisations and outlets regularly overview the trends in cybersecurity or discuss major cyber threats, fostering progress requires building sustainable cyber infrastructures through setting fundamental goals.
For many centuries, the progress of humanity was fostered by setting up important goals for the future – the major challenges faced by humankind. In 1900, David Hilbert presented a set of important problems in mathematics outlining a developmental roadmap, and some of them still remain unresolved. In 2015, the UN set up 17 goals to reach a ‘better’ world by 2030. A world with no poverty or hunger, where we had tackled climate change – yet, none of these goals target cyberspace.
What problems do you think our industry is facing? What goals do you have in place? Have you fallen into the trap of believing anecdotes over facts?
Guest chaired by
Ross McKean (info), Partner, Chair of the International Cybersecurity Practice, DLA Piper UK
Presented by
Boris Taratine, Head Of Competencies and Skills, UK Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge