Tuesday 7 February 2023
In association with
After a three-year hiatus, we were finally able to return to the Channel Islands. We are always delighted at the size and seniority of our offshore audience and the way in which it increases each time, and we this year see that trend continue.
We are most grateful to our hosts, Mourant, whose generosity allowed us to arrange this important meeting, at which we discussed a miscellany of security topics, for the first time in Guernsey. The agenda was curated based on local feedback, covering important topics, including, keeping up with regulators, threat intelligence, supply chain security, cryptocurrency and geopolitics.
Presentations on the day included:
Opening Keynote – Keeping up with the regulators
Presented by Sally Rochester (info), Director, Mourant Consulting
A dangerous point in history – Geopolitics, technology and the evolution of threats
Presented by Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG
Panel session: Supply Chain
Facilitated by Justin Bellinger (info), Guernsey Chief Executive, Sure
Carl Ceillam (info), CEO and Founder, The Chain
Paul Torode (info), Group Head of Information Security & IT Governance, First Central
Bert Pereira (info), Head of IT, Investec Bank
Threat intelligence briefing
Presented by Bradley Bosher (info), Senior Systems Engineer, Varonis
Panel session: To cloud or not to cloud
Facilitated by Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG
Matthew Parker (info), Chief Information Security Officer, Mourant
Bradley Bosher (info), Senior Systems Engineer, Varonis
Mark James, Senior Manager, ESET