How to talk like a human risk manager | SASIG
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Thursday 25 July 2024, 11am-12noon (BST)

Are you a security awareness professional, or in the business of managing human risk?

If so, understanding the relational differences between risks, threats, and vulnerabilities is not optional (certainly if you want to be credible within security and effective at managing risk).

This understanding will make you more effective in your job and allow you to discuss risks and security behaviours more confidently with your security teams – as a genuine human risk specialist.

Come and watch this webinar recording for tips that will help you:

  • Help your security team make better risk decisions.
  • Build credibility in the eyes of leadership security peers.
  • Be considered more than just an ‘educator’ or a ‘communicator’.


Chaired by

Tarquin Folliss OBE (info), Vice Chairman, The SASIG


Presented by

Joe Giddens (info), Director of Content & Communication, CybSafe

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