Tuesday 22 October 2024, 9.30am – 3pm (BST)
In person – Cambridge, East Anglia
and live stream via Zoom
Resilience is the word on everyone’s lips when surviving in cyberspace. It is often easier to theorise than to implement a practical response. Navigating the challenges in a real-world context is crucial to enable us to prioritise our activities efficiently. When we identify the threats relevant to our business, we can assess the risks they present and take effective action to minimise our exposure. These are often the essential steps to developing a robust resilience strategy and implementing it.
The challenges we face are not unique to any sector. They confront all organisations who manage a complex IT infrastructure, whose people are exposed to the internet and who rely on physical and digital supply chains which often include small and micro businesses. SMEs are often the channel through which criminal gangs and state actors target large organisations. There are lessons for everyone.
Building our collective resilience to mitigate the threats we face is becoming more critical. For this reason, we were delighted to host this event with AstraZeneca. The security challenges facing such a cutting-edge and innovative business should be familiar to all sectors: maximising highly sensitive data to produce life-enhancing innovations whilst ensuring that data remains appropriately protected. This is the great balancing act for all organisations.
Presentations on the day included:
Welcome and introductions
Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman and Founder, The SASIG
Emma Foxton, IT Security Culture & Awareness Lead, AstraZeneca
Resilience from the ground up
Dominic Carroll (info), Director of Portfolio, e2e-assure
Rapid7 Labs: Threat Assessment
Raj Samani (info), SVP & Chief Scientist, Rapid7
Managing risk in the cloud era: From prioritisation to proactive mitigation
Ronnen Brunner (info), International Vice President, Uptycs
Supply chain resilience and risk management in pharmaceuticals
Paul Raw (info), Senior Consultant in Security Risk & Resilience, BSI
How a digital twin can help you visualise and defend your network?
John Stevenson (info), Senior Product Marketing Manager, Skybox Security
Cybersecurity challenges & solutions along the product lifecycle
Paul Chopineau (info), Senior Manager, Wavestone
Florian Pouchet (info), Head of Cybersecurity and Operational Resilience UK, Wavestone
Emeline LeGrand (info), Senior Consultant, Wavestone
Cybersecurity in pharma: Preparing for 2025 and beyond
Oscar Eigio Isaka, Senior Director, Security & Risk Management, Gartner
Organisational resilience: Preparing to manage an ever-changing world
Facilitated by Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman and Founder, The SASIG
Trevor Rees, Head of Global Security, AstraZeneca
Fred Lancaster (info), Global Head of Cyber Security, AstraZeneca
Andy Marshall (info), Group Director Business Continuity & Crisis Management, AstraZeneca