Bore, trick, nag or nudge: Understanding the current awareness market | SASIG
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Friday 25 October, 11am-12noon (BST)

Watch the recording of Tim and Lucy from Think Cyber as they explored and (slightly tongue-in-cheek) walked through the different approaches to driving awareness available on the market today.

We explored the pros and cons of each and the maturity curve that gets you focused on delivering a real, measurable reduction in operational risk.

Lucy shared her experience from a global security awareness function of working through that maturity curve, with Tim and Lucy both offering actionable insights to enhance awareness and drive behaviour change.


Guest chaired by

Simon Mair (info), Chief Information Security Officer, National Bank of Kuwait


Presented by

Tim Ward (info), Co-founder & CEO, Think Cyber
Lucy Finlay (info), Client Delivery Director – Secure Behaviour and Analytics, Think Cyber

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