Exploring the linkages between security behaviours, security culture and cyber risk management | SASIG
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Monday 20 July, 11am-12noon (BST)

Our industry has woken up to the fact that our approach to the people aspect of cybersecurity is part of the problem. Now what? This session explores the new approaches being taken by many organisations.

The security profession has evolved significantly over the past decade or two. However, as our understanding of socio-tech issues increases, so does our comprehension of the steps we can take to manage people-related security risks.

We still need to do more to clearly link adjustments in security behaviour and security culture to an impact on security risk. This session will explore these linkages and explain how security professionals can use today’s research and evidence base to guide their approach, decisions and actions. 


Facilitated by

Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman & Founder, The SASIG


Chaired by

Oz Alashe MBE (info), Chairman & Founder, The SASIG



John Scott (info), Head of Security Education programme, Bank of England
Ceri Jones (info), Technology Security Manager, RBS
Zoe Edmeades (info), Managing Director, TSC
Dr John Blythe (info), Head of Behavioural Science and leads the Research & Analysis team, CybSafe


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