A good day to bury bad news? A masterclass on handling incidents | SASIG
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Tuesday 24 November, 3-4pm (GMT)

Imagine a security breach, on a Friday afternoon, just after a major product launch, as many of your team are off sick and a senior member of staff has just leaked the entire thing to a tabloid paper? Murphy’s law: Everything that can go wrong will and usually at the worst time.

Take part in this fun and entertaining workshop as we put your thinking to the test. You will be dealing with a company that has made a lot of strategic mistakes and is now facing a seemingly unwinnable battle (A ‘Kobayashi Maru’). The few plans and policies they do have are quixotic at best. Can anyone dig this company out of a whirlwind of trouble?

This session is:

  • An interactive workshop, so you have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion
  • A challenging scenario
  • A fun and entertaining way to stress the need to plan and rehearse plans
  • Delivered by award-winning speaker, trainer and cybersecurity personality, Lisa Forte


Facilitated by

Martin Smith MBE (info), Chairman & Founder, The SASIG


Presented by

Lisa Forte (info), Partner, Red Goat Cyber Security 


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