Tuesday 16 April 2024, 10.30am – 5pm (BST)
In person – Milton Keynes
Kindly hosted by
Registration for this event is now closed.
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The National Museum of Computing (TNMoC) at Bletchley Park is dedicated to collecting and restoring historic computer systems. SASIG is delighted to sponsor an exclusive, interactive afternoon visit for up to 40 of our members to learn about and gain inspiration from the story of a century of computing.
Exploring the museum
TNMoC’s unrivalled heritage site venue houses the world’s largest collection of functional historic computers, nearly all of which are in full working order. These include the Colossus, the world’s first electronic computer rebuilt over 15 years by a team of volunteers, and the WITCH, the world’s oldest working digital computer.
Escape Room Challenge
Teams of SASIG delegates (mixed at random) will compete against each other to test their knowledge of computing history. Gather your wits, problem-solving and team-working skills to beat the clock in a thrilling race to finish first. This year’s escape room is based on the 1940s, where we will take a step back in time for a high-stakes game of intelligence and help turn the tide of the war.
Networking lunch and drinks reception
We will gather at lunch and at the end of the day to enjoy excellent company and make our ‘five new friends’.
Additional information
Information about the galleries and what you can see during your visit is available here. A short video about the museum to whet your appetite is here, and a map of the museum to print and bring with you is available here.
We look forward to welcoming our members to this event. Please note that your place is not confirmed until you receive an email from us.
All SASIG events operate under the Chatham House Rule and there is no charge to attend. Refreshments, lunch and networking drinks will be provided.