SASIG GDPR compliance briefing | SASIG
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Should the focus be on people or process?

After the success of last year’s inaugural webinar, SASIG introduces a regular series of these for 2020. So join us for our first web conference this year, as we partner with our founders TSC, following up on our GDPR meeting in January.

We are delighted that Bebe Lees, Head of Communications at TSC, will join us to explain the underlying factors that lead to data breaches, based on recent evidence from the ICO. What will have a greater impact on reducing the risk of a data breach? Is it upskilling your people or enhancing your processes?

With over 30 years’ experience in training and development and a passion for enabling learning, Bebe explores what the evidence is telling us about data breaches that have happened since May 2018, what the key risk factors are and, following the pareto principle, where should effort and resources be deployed to have the biggest impact on risk reduction.

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