2024 was a landmark year for SASIG, with record events, a growing membership, and impactful summits. In 2025, we’ll push boundaries with fresh initiatives like the Cyber Series and enhanced programmes. We’re committed to serving you, our members, and helping you build resilience in a turbulent and dangerous world. Join us as we outline our exciting plans for the year ahead!
All our webinars, all in one place
The definition of CNI is changing, but why? And what can we do about it? Join us to discuss which organisations should be classed as CNI, the ever-expanding role of the MSSP community in securing cyberspace – as well as when, why, and critically how, the UK Government should become involved.
Explore the benefits of migrating from traditional SIEMs and hear about lessons learned by implementation engineers on the ground. We’ll discuss common pitfalls and how to approach planning, implementation, and post-deployment optimisation to help you build a roadmap for a successful transition.
Our increasingly sophisticated adversaries are leveraging valid credentials to move around organisations undetected. Explore how these attacks started and have evolved, the potentially catastrophic impact they can have, and how risk-based conditional access enforcement can help detect and prevent malicious activity.
Join us as we address the communication gap between cybersecurity and business leaders. We’ll explore a practical analysis framework that can help us translate technical cyber risks into business-focused language. Foster better understanding and alignment between CISOs and CEOs, leading to informed, impactful decision-making.
Discover powerful insights into the constantly evolving cyber-attack surface as we demonstrate the importance of creating an optimised cyber resiliency strategy. Explore the divide between infrastructure and security teams, and how to build an approach that focuses on risk, readiness, recovery, and resilience.
Measuring and mitigating human risk without being restrictive can be difficult. Join us to learn about using innovative training methods and tools to build a strong security culture that strikes the perfect balance between risk mitigation and employee satisfaction, ultimately creating a more resilient and harmonious workplace.
Explore five new year’s resolutions that will help you get the most out of your Microsoft Security investment. Learn how to leverage data-backed insights to identify critical gaps and fortify your defences against evolving threats. You’ll come away with the latest threat intel and actionable strategies to maximise ROI.

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