Tech organisations make great targets for cyber attackers, but the strain of protecting these firms from criminals is beginning to show, with burnout pushing many security professionals to the limit. Together, we’ll examine how burnout leads to poor decisions, reputational damage, and vulnerabilities, and we’ll share pragmatic techniques for addressing the problem.
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In honour of LGBTQ+ History Month, Joanne shared her authentic Gender Transition journey, overcoming imposter syndrome to sell her IT business and initiate a D&I practice. Her empowering story, relevant to all business leaders, highlights both challenges and opportunities for support and allyship.
Discover the realities of poor mental health, how to identify it within your organisation, and how to support both yourself and your team. Watch now and you'll leave armed with an entire toolkit of impactful, scientifically backed techniques and solutions, for a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.
This recording is audio only. If you’ve bought from an advert, succumbed to a special offer, or upgraded because of a salesperson, you have been manipulated. But romance fraud victims are often belittled and blamed for falling foul. Listen now as we discussed scammers’ techniques as well as how to reduce stigma and ultimately limit their pool of targets.
Social networks provide the perfect platform for cyberbullying. And yet, many people who fall victim don't realise that cyberbullying is actually a crime. Watch now for a discussion on forms of cyberbullying, preventing it in the workplace and at home, reporting incidents, and the support available.
Modern slavery is all around us and covers a wide range of abuse. Anyone could be a victim, often without realising. We must all take steps to prevent modern slavery in our own organisations and our supply chains. Watch now to explore types and signs of modern slavery, legislation, and available resources.
Please watch this very important session about supporting those in crisis, where we will learn about the All Call Signs peer support network and its work, common roadblocks faced by those wishing to support others, the principles of good mental health, and why we should all help prevent suicide and support recovery.
Ever feel overwhelmed, anxious, or simply exhausted from the endless scroll of news at your fingertips? While increasingly normal, this feeling is not good for our health or ability to focus. Our panel of experts share practical, sustainable tips for overcoming information overload.
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